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Ik ben arts en ik weet niets over vaccinaties


Aangeleverd door: Sietse Werkman



                              Where’s The Science Showing Vaccines are Safe for Really Sick People?                                  

Flu Vaccines Potentially Linked to Disease That Causes Kidney Failure in 2013


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLgH2vCx5TOgX5upobA1NO–PyE60CLlVa&t=232&v=cLrqmvjrIjI


By Dr. Mercola


Dr. Suzanne Humphries, author of Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History, is a nephrologist who has committed the latter part of her medical career to exposing the truth of vaccinations.

I have read the book from cover to cover and would strongly recommend that you pick up a copy if you have even the remotest interest in this topic, especially if you believe in the safety and necessity of vaccines. The comprehensive documentation may cause you to reevaluate your position or in the very least ask more questions about their safety.

As a nephrologist, Dr. Humphries was accustomed to giving vaccinations to her patients with kidney disease, including those on dialysis. She didn’t question the status quo… until one patient in 2009 said, “I was fine until I had that flu shot…”

Vaccinating Babies: Is It Safe?

Vaccinating critically ill hospital patients brings up one set of dangers while vaccinating babies brings up another. When aluminum, for instance, is injected into the body, it’s known to disrupt enzymes, cross the blood-brain barrier, bind to DNA and act as a gene disrupter, and act as a cell signaling and membrane toxin.

As Dr. Humphries said, “We’re very careful as nephrologists when treating babies because the kidney functions of babies isn’t the same as adults – it’s vastly reduced. But when it comes to vaccines, this reduced kidney function in infants is always left out of the discussion.”

In 2013, a JAMA Pediatrics study evaluated aluminum levels in two-month-old infants following the administration of three vaccines at once, which is given per usual according to the infant vaccine schedule. This exposes the child to 1,200 micrograms of aluminum. Urine and blood were collected, but no significant changes in levels of aluminum were seen after vaccination.3

The researchers described the finding as “reassuring,” but as Dr. Humphries noted, where did the aluminum go? If it wasn’t excreted and blood levels didn’t rise, it means it was retained in tissues. In 2013, a separate study concluded:

“…continuously escalating doses of this poorly biodegradable adjuvant [aluminum] in the population may become insidiously unsafe, especially in the case of overimmunization or immature/altered blood brain barrier…”4

Despite this, infants are routinely vaccinated without regard for their immature kidney function. According to Dr. Humphries: “Aluminum is also injected into many babies on the day of birth in the hepatitis B vaccine. That’s 250 micrograms of aluminum at a time when kidney function is even lower than it is at 2 months.”

One-Size-Fits-All Vaccine Programs Are Dangerous

Dr. Humphries left a successful practice making $300,000 a year to be a poorly paid researcher. For her it was worth it, because her integrity wouldn’t allow her to turn a blind eye to what she knew to be wrong. The fact is, vaccines are tolerated by some people and devastating to others.

“If you want to make these [vaccine] arguments, we have to have information and we have to have knowledge. We have to understand the history, the medical literature, the biology, the chemistry, the physiology, and the immunology. That is not easy. You cannot dabble in the topic of vaccination. If you do, you’re likely going to be toppled by the pro-vaccine lobby because they’re doing their homework.

I felt it was more important to do my homework and make these arguments that I wanted to make… Right now I’m really immersed in the topic of infant immunity because there is so much information that has just come out in the past few years that, in my opinion, turns the vaccine paradigm for infants completely on its head.

Instead of arguing about any particular vaccine, if you understand the way the infant immune system is designed, you can automatically see that if you were going to toss any kind of a vaccine in there, you might give them some short-term immunity, but you’re also going to change their immune systems so that it can’t function the way it was designed to function… The arguments against vaccines when you really understand the infant immune system I think are irrefutable.”

And it’s not only infants that need to be considered in a one-size-fits-all vaccine paradigm; it’s people with chronic diseases, the elderly, those with mitochondrial disorders and, really, every individual.



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