Aangeleverd door: Sietse Werkman
Vaccines suppress your brain! Vaccine-Induced Brain Damage Syndrome (VIBDS) mirrors cognitive impairment caused by chemotherapy (Chemo Brain)
The phenomenon of “chemo brain” — cognitive impairment of the brain following chemotherapy — is widely known and well documented.
(NaturalNews) Vaccine-Induced Brain Damage Syndrome (VIBDS) is the phenomenon of impaired cognitive function caused by the brain-damaging toxic additives found in vaccines. It mirrors the well-documented cognitive impairment caused by chemotherapy, known across the medical establishment as Post-Chemotherapy Cognitive Impairment(PCCI).
The unmistakable evidence that vaccines cause permanent brain damage is found in the obviously suppressed cognition of those who take them. According to nearly every pro-vaccine parent who routinely takes vaccines, their vaccinated children — who are therefore immune to infectious disease — are endangered by unvaccinated children who they claim might be carrying infectious disease.
But hold on a second. If your own children have immunity, then they have nothing to fear from other children that might be carrying infectious disease. The very definition of immunity means a child can be exposed to the disease and not “catch” it. Not to belabor the point, but “immunity” means to “be immune.” Somehow, this simple, rational point escapes the cognitive capacity of every single person demanding mandatory vaccines for all children.
After all, immunity to chicken pox means you can be exposed to chicken pox and not be afflicted by it. Immunity to measles means you can be exposed to measles and not “get” the measles. Immunity to the mumps means that you can be exposed to the mumps and not catch the mumps. I hope this isn’t new information to anybody, because these statements simply affirm the fundamental truths of immunology.
If immunity doesn’t grant protection from infectious disease, then why should anyone get vaccinated in the first place?
A person who believes that unvaccinated children pose a risk to vaccinated (immunized) children must either:
1) Be too uneducated to understand the meaning of the word “immune.”
2) Suffer from brain damage and therefore be unable to grasp the logic that immune children have nothing to fear from non-immunized children.