Aangeleverd door: Corry
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Dr. Suzanne Humphries – Are Vaccines Safe?
Dr. Suzanne Humphries earned her medical degree in 1993 from Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and then became board certified in internal medicine and nephrology. Her career encompassed teaching medical students, residents, and graduate students, and included an assistant professorship at the clinical campus of Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Camden, New Jersey, as well as 10 years in private practice affiliated with a large teaching hospital in Maine. In 2011 she chose to change directions and now practices as a holistic health consultant, and continues to research many aspects of medical practice, and write about the problems with vaccination.
Her YouTubekanaal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCqmzJIoo52a7bqxCuuZSIw
Silent Emipedic: The Untold Story of Vaccines (by Award Winning film director Gary Null)
Silent Epidemic, by award winning film director Gary Null, is the first documentary to investigate thoroughly the true medical record and the historical evidence about vaccine marvels. Conventional medicine has herald the invention of vaccines as a miracle of modern science. It claims that vaccines have been proven to prevent and eradicate infectious diseases. We are told that vaccines are safe and effective, and that “herd immunity” can be achieved if a high percentage of a population is vaccinated. However, does the science support these claims and what are the untold consequences?